My biggest fear was once going barefoot after a nasty Thai boxing injury. I was told to use supports and that my ankles were weak and could roll. This was leaving me stiff and in pain in other places. I WASNT GETTING ANY BETTER and something inside me knew this wasn’t going to help in the long term.

And I am not alone.

Often clients come in with a plethora of lower back and hip mobility issues. 

But not one person has looked at their feet?!

Somewhere along the line that have been told they have a BAD BACK and to “strengthen your core”

Which is great… and I am thankful for as it’s a step forward from the good old “lay in bed and rest” days but it doesn’t look at the whole system.

It doesn’t empower YOU to heal yourself.

One thing you can do WITHOUT forking out loads of money is MOVE YOUR FEET!


Walking activates mechanic receptors on lower extremities.

The reduced feedback affects dopermine levels In the body.

So walking (in wide toe box, flat shoes) can help reduce stress from a physical perspective purely because we are

MOVING our ankles.

1inc -22% more pressure on forefoot

2 inch - 57% more pressure on forefoot

3inch -76% more pressure on forefoot

Not only that. The inclination 

throws the pelvis forward putting more stress on l4/5 and disrupting the feedback loop to l5 nerve.

So if you are THAT PERSON who is always screaming in agony at a hamstring stretch? 

Change your shoes and move your feet!

THERE IS A GREAT 20min SPIKEY BALL RELEASE video in the video library for you to utilise and get going