Sometimes you just need nature and a re-set. Time offline and in-person with the people that really matter.

And THANK GOODNESS I do Pilates because the glutes, the guns, the hip mobility and ankle stability work we have been doing definitely helped on that scramble up Moel Siabod!

But here are x3 reasons it won’t help.


Unless you are doing more than 12 reps you are not challenging your muscle stamina.

So try adding a few more repetitions to your next workout.


The gym is a great place to start and there are some fantastic exercises that yoga, Pilates and other sports offer. However, nothing quite prepares you for a backwards scramble shimmy, like a backwards scramble shimmy.

So start slow…if you want to build your walking strength try walking to your next class or parking gradually further away from your work.


The only way to make muscles stronger is to add load. If you haven’t lifted heavier than 1kg and then you suddenly go for a x4 hour walk with a 15kg backpack. You are going to feel it the next day!

So, start adding gradual load to your daily routine.

Add small weights to your matwork and build up.

Wear your backpack on your walks incrementally adding load.

It was a joy to stay at @SnowdoniaHub ecolodge and we were so happy to see all the nature come to us. Check them out on Instagram for link and booking

Maiwenn Langlois