Kula Spirit Wellness

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Its been a busy year with Yorkshire, Thailand, Gerona, India a sprinkle of day retreats, o as the leaves start to fall we start to rise!
We are happy to announce that Kula Spirit Retreats are moving forward to becoming as ZERO-WASTE as possible and are branching out to collaborate with some amazing vegan companies, chefs, bloggers, skin therapists, clothing brands to bring you the best wholesome experience we can offer.

Enter BRETT COBLEY otherwise know as @epivegan.

Check him out on Instagram and youtube his not only is he one of the kindest humans we have ever met; he has the innate ability to calmly facilitate the most natural, thought provoking  interviews whilst chopping onions at 100mph!

 “I set up Epivegan as a way to show people they can enjoy tasty food while not harming any living beings. I stand for treating everyone equal and promoting open conversation about issues as I feel its the only way to make a change.”
 - Brett Cobley 

He will be joining us on a retreat soon but before then check him out and his new recipe book '‘WHAT VEGANS EAT” out now on amazon!

Stay Connected!
Maiwenn Langlois